October 22, 2024
Kalayaan celebrates Campaigning Group’s work in 2024 Showcase
In the week before Anti-Slavery Day, on 11 October 2024, Kalayaan held a Showcase Event to highlight and celebrate the amazing work done by members of our Campaigning Group this year.
Kalayaan’s Campaigning Group was formed in March 2024 and brings together migrant domestic workers (MDWs) of different nationalities to work on projects that aim to increase public awareness of campaigns for MDWs.
This includes their ‘We, Domestic Workers’ Zine as well as a takeover episode on the Experts By Experience Podcast by Refugee Action which was released this week.
The event was held at the Abbey Centre in Westminster and was attended by 70 people. The Campaigning Group’s work was showcased through exhibitions and interactive stalls where attendees could engage with the Zine’s content, listen to the podcast episode, and leave their messages for migrant domestic workers.
Following this, members of the Campaigning Group presented onstage to talk about various aspects of their work throughout the year, including the campaigns for a better Overseas Domestic Worker visa, the Right to Work for all in the National Referral Mechanism (NRM) and better protections for migrant domestic workers in the UK. Members of the Group spoke about the challenges of living as a migrant in the UK and how existing policies have impacted their lives, from the Overseas Domestic Worker visa to the Life in the UK exam. Attendees listened to Q&As about the experience of creating the podcast and learning points for professionals working with MDWs.
This Event was a culmination of the Campaigning Group’s passion, commitment, and hard work over the last eight months. We thank those who attended to support the members and learn more about their campaigns and look forward to what the Group brings in 2025.