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Get Involved

We are recruiting for our next CEO!

For application information please read here.


Kalayaan relies on volunteers to assist us in various areas of our daily operations. We are regularly looking for volunteer interpreters. We particularly welcome applications from those who speak Hindi, Tagalog, Indonesian, Arabic, Malayalam, Kannada, Konkini, Singhalese, Tamil and Bengali.
Thank you for your interest in volunteering at Kalayaan. Please read here.

Comments on Volunteering

Nick Queffurus volunteered at Kalayaan in 2017:

“Volunteering at Kalayaan gave me a unique opportunity to work at the intersection of human rights, workers’ rights and immigration law and see how some workers are exploited by unscrupulous employers and their vulnerable position exacerbated by immigration policies.  I really enjoyed my time at Kalayaan and working alongside the dedicated team there. The practical hands on experience has been very useful in my future plans working in other public interest law positions.”

Our 2018 volunteer Miela Lilles had this to say:

“As an outreach volunteer, I get to learn about the domestic worker community in a very interesting way. What I enjoy the most about the role is working alongside the Kalayaan team. Their hard work, dedication and commitment to their clients has inspired me to learn more about advocating for human rights and justice for domestic workers.”


Support Us

Kalayaan runs several campaigns – some we lead on and others we work in partnership with other charities, CSOs, trade unions and or businesses. This work can see us ask our supporters to sign petitions, contact MPs or join a demonstration with workers.

On this page we set out some of our current campaigns and how you can lend your support and get involved. Please do continue to visit this page regularly for updates on our calls to action! We’d also love to hear from you and chat about any ideas you have so please do get in touch!

Campaign to restore rights for migrant domestic workers #restorerights

Campaign for the right to work for survivors of slavery #dignitynotdestitution 

Campaign to ensure survivors of modern slavery can live free for good #freeforgood 


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Recruit Ethically

Kalayaan works with migrant domestic workers from all over the world.

Many of the workers who come to Kalayaan have escaped a prolonged period of abusive and exploitative employment. Many of these workers will therefore not have any references. Kalayaan asks employers to bear this vulnerability in mind when they interview workers.

If you are looking to hire a domestic worker who does not have possession of their passport, please contact us to discuss how we might be able to assist in retrieving their documents.


Contact Us

St Francis of Assisi Community Centre
13 Hippodrome Place London W11 4SF

T 0207 243 2942

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About Us

Kalayaan was established in 1987 to provide advice, advocacy and support services in the UK for migrant domestic workers. We are NOT involved in helping people to come to the UK from another country. Migrant domestic workers are people who have entered the UK legally with an employer on a domestic worker visa to work in a private household.

The information in this website is for general guidance on your rights and responsibilities as a domestic worker in the UK and is not intended as legal advice on specific situations and should not be relied on as a source of legal advice. If you need more details on your rights or legal advice about what action to take, please contact Kalayaan or a solicitor.

Kalayaan endeavours to ensure the content of this website is accurate and up to date but does not accept any liability any loss, damage or inconvenience arising as a consequence of any use of or the inability to use any information on this website.

Kalayaan accepts no responsibility for the contents of linked websites. Links should not be taken as endorsement of any kind. Kalayaan has no control over the availability of the linked pages.

Content on this site is protected by copyright. The copyright owner is Kalayaan. You may not make alterations or additions to the material on this site, or use it for commercial purposes.